Herbology at Hogwarts

At the Main Library on July 30 from 8pm till midnight, Master Gardeners Molly Brewer and Patti Van Cleave were Professors Molicanthus and Philodendra Fluxweed. They are not in the books or movies. They teach Herbology at Hogwarts and were sent to America to help teach Herbology at Ilvermornay, the North American School of Witches and Wizardry. They conducted 4 sessions of "Herbology at Hogwarts" and 4 sessions of "How to Plant a Hogwarts Garden" during that 4-hour time period. Those attending the presentations put their contact info in Molly's cauldron. At midnight a name was drawn as the winner of the Baby Mandrake. The lucky winner lives in St Matthews. The Baby was delivered to her house.

Sample garden ornaments for the Hogwarts Garden were made by Patti's and Molly's family members.

Part of planting that type of garden is to sprinkle magic dust over the garden. Molly made 120 packets of magic dust (a mix of black sand and sparkles) for those attending the Garden presentation. Instructions were given on how to take a soil sample using soil sample bags from the Jefferson County Extension Service.

There were 201 attendees for the sessions, organized through the collaboration between LFPL and the JCMGA Community Education Committee.  The library counted more than 2000 people of all ages who attended the Harry Potter Book Reveal Party.  Nearly everyone was in costume for the costume contest. The beautiful, recently cleaned library was decorated to look like the Harry Potter books and movies. A good time was had by all!
