Olmsted Parks Conservancy is a private, member-based non-profit organization that seeks to restore, enhance and preserve the original historic park system in Louisville that was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and his landscape architecture firm. They focus on advocacy, historic preservation, community engagement and ecological improvement. Their volunteers often assist with woodlands restoration in our urban forests, removing invasive plant species and replacing with native trees and shrubs. They also have a large horticultural component, where specially trained volunteers care for a variety of ornamental landscape beds. This often involves pruning, mulching, weeding, planting and more. The dual nature of our parks (formalized plantings and natural areas) creates a diverse experience for volunteers interested in working with plants.

Master Gardeners assist Olmsted Parks Conservancy with their volunteer efforts, but volunteering is not limited to Master Gardeners. If you’d like to get involved with OPC, you can find more information on their website: https://www.olmstedparks.org/